Results for: "Devotional Literature"


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Andy Griffith, Emmett, and the Moravians

Christian Ethics, Christian Living, Devotional Literature

Listen July 3, 2012 Andy Griffith passes away Perhaps few photographs are more poignant concerning the common musical interests and spiritual heritage that were shared between Andy Griffith (June 1, 1926 – July 3, 2012) and Emmett Forrest (September 3, 1927 – January 12, 2013) than this featured picture. From childhood, Andy and Emmett shared a bond of friendship that endured throughout their lives. On the Andy Griffith Show, Emmett Forrest was fictionalized by the character Emmett Clark the fix-it-man, played by Paul Hartman. On Saturday morning January 12, 2013, my wife and I received a...Read more... Read more... -->

Ben-Hur: A Christian Triumph

Biography, Christian Living, Devotional Literature

ListenIn the National Statuary Hall in the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. there resides a full-body statue of General Lew Wallace, Civil War hero and author of the literary classic, Ben Hur. The story behind the composition of this time-honored classic is one worthy of being rehearsed on a regular basis, and no season of the year is more fitting for its telling than the Easter season. One of the traditions our family shared when our children were younger was the viewing of Charlton Heston in Ben-Hur around the Easter season. The conversion of the main character, Ben-Hur, at the...Read more... Read more... -->

Twelve Books Every Christian Should Read

Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian Living, Devotional Literature, February Articles

ListenThe importance of Christian education for the perpetuation of the American Republican cannot be overstated! Following the American Revolution, the Founding Fathers sought to perpetuate the life of young America by ensuring that it rested upon a Christian foundation in the ensuing generations. The Ivy League arose well in advance of the Revolution and was one of the first formal attempts to enshrine the principles of Scripture in public life. In the mid-1820s, the American Sunday School Union arose as an additional means of guaranteeing that the Christian principles of the American...Read more... Read more... -->

Making Room in the Inn

Christian Beliefs, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian Ethics, Christian Living, December, December Articles, Devotional Literature

ListenA number of years ago, Gap brand stores – Gap, Old Navy, and Banana Republic—decided not to advertise their end-of-year sales with the term “Christmas.” Instead they chose the more generic term “holiday” so as not to offend those of non-Christian faiths, or atheists in general. But Gap is not alone in this decision. Last Christmas other companies also took a similar course of action, dismissing “Christmas” in favor of an innocuous expression which would not offend non-Christians. To the great harm of our nation, many commercial interests continue to push the Christian faith to the...Read more... Read more... -->

The Possibilities of Prayer

Christian Living, Devotional, Devotional Literature, Historical, Products

Listen $8 @ Each He is perhaps the foremost known author on prayer. Edward McKendree Bounds—named in honor of Methodist bishop, William McKendree—is remembered across denominational and theological lines for his insightful works on prayer. For more than a century, Bounds’ works—such as Power Through Prayer and many others—have been a source of inspiration to generations of ministers and laity alike. E. M. Bounds, as he is popularly known, was a Confederate chaplain, minister, and editor with the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Having attained a position of editorial leadership in his...Read more... Read more... -->

Quote Cloud

"Almost all the civil liberty now enjoyed in the world owes its origin to the principles of the Christian religion. Men began to understand their natural rights, as soon as the reformation from popery began to dawn in the sixteenth century; and civil liberty has been gradually advancing and improving, as genuine Christianity has prevailed. By the principles of the Christian religion we are not to understand the decisions of ecclesiastical councils...No; the religion which has introduced civil liberty, is the religion of Christ and his apostles, which enjoins humility, piety and benevolence; which acknowledges in every person a brother, or a sister, and a citizen with equal rights. This is genuine Christianity, and to this we owe our free constitutions of government. "
– Noah Webster, "Schoolmaster of America"
History of the United States, 299f
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