Dr. Stephen Flick
Stephen Flick heads Christian Heritage Fellowship, an organization dedicated to reclaiming America’s Christian Heritage and celebrating the life-changing influence of the Gospel around the world. Concerned with the cultural decay of America, Dr. Flick has sought to provide answers to fellow Christians (and unbelievers) concerning the questions and objections to Christianity often posed by secularists and the irreligious. Dr. Flick is a writer and speaker and has authored numerous articles and books on America’s Christian heritage. He earned his PhD from Drew University (Madison, NJ) in history and Christian theology and has taught at the graduate level as full professor. He is a licensed minster and resides in East Tennessee. He and his late wife, Beth Anne, have two grown, married children and six grandchildren.
Posts by Dr. Stephen Flick:
October 11, 1782: Fourteenth Congressional Fasting Proclamation
American History, Congressional Spiritual Proclamations, October Articles, Prayer
ListenThis post is part 15 of the series:When Congress Asked America to Fast, Pray, and Give Thanks to GodOctober 11, 1782 Congress issues thanksgiving proclamation In 1776, America's Continental Congress began to issue two spiritual proclamations a year until near the end of the War of Independence. Since November 1777 when Henry Laurens was President, Congress had issued a fall...Read more... Read more...
George Bennard and The Old Rugged Cross
April Articles, Biography, March Articles, Methodist churches
ListenOctober 9, 1958 Rev. George Bennard passes away Toward the end of the twentieth century, song leaders, when soliciting requests for favorite songs from the congregation, would often receive at least one request for “The Old Rugged Cross.” Written by George Bennard in 1913, this gospel hymn has proven to be a sentimental favorite of Christians and unsaved alike. Like many other...Read more... Read more...
D. L. Moody’s Lost Opportunity
Christian Living, Devotional Literature
ListenOctober 8-10, 1871 Great Chicago Fire God’s gifts of mercy are packaged in the “todays” of our lives. On Sunday night, October 8, 1871, the well-known evangelist, D. L. Moody, preached to the largest congregation that he had yet addressed in Chicago. His text that evening was, "What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?" (taken from Matthew chapter 27 verse 22.), and...Read more... Read more...
Christianity and the First Presidential Thanksgiving Proclamation
American History, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, Christian Living, October Articles
Listen Welcome, and thank you for choosing to listen. Christian Heritage Fellowship is a listener supported organization, dedicated to reclaiming America's Christian Heritage and celebrating the life-changing influence of the Gospel around the world. Our organization remains committed to this purpose through the faithful giving of our friends and ministry family. If you can help us...Read more... Read more...
Leading Clergy of the American Revolution
Historical, Products, Role of Pastors
Listen $15 Sold at Amazon It may be argued that the American colonial clergy were the leading influence for American independence. The Protestant Reformation of the authority of Scripture and the priesthood of all believers gave rise to republican governments in lands were the influence of the Reformers took firm hold. In America, the authority of Scripture was often unopposed by...Read more... Read more...