Results for: "American History"
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George Ross
American History, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, July Articles, Signers of Declaration of Independence
Listen July 14, 1779 George Rosss, signer of the Declaration of Independence, passed away George Ross (May 10, 1730 – July 14, 1779) was a signer of the United States Declaration of Independence as a representative of Pennsylvania. George Ross was the uncle to Betsy Ross by marriage (her first husband). Col. George Ross accompanied Robert Morris and General Washington into Betsy shop in 1776 to request assistance in creating a flag for the troops and the...Read more... Read more... -->
James Smith
American History, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, July Articles, Signers of Declaration of Independence
Listen July 11, 1806 Death of Signer, James Smith James Smith (September 17, 1719 – July 11, 1806), was a signer to the United States Declaration of Independence as a representative of...Read more... Read more... -->
Washington Believed God Provided for America
American History, Christian History
Listen July 9, 1755 God's providence at Battle of the Monongahela One of the surest means of refuting claims that America's Founding Fathers were not Christian is the realization and proclamation of the fact that they believed God birthed America through His providence. They believe God orchestrated the independence of America, and the Father of our nation, George Washington, was among those who affirmed this Christian teaching.Since the 1920s and following, secularists have been attempting to reshape American history to conform to their worldview in an attempt to displace the Christian...Read more... Read more... -->
America’s Founding Fathers Were Not Deists
American History, Thomas Jefferson
ListenJuly 4, 1776 First Signing of Declaration of Independence Saul Alinsky One of the tools employed by Marxists to undermine a nation is to discredit its heritage of founding fathers. In his book, Rules for Radicals,[1] communist advocate Saul Alinsky sows the seeds of class warfare—in part—by creating “disillusionment with past ways and values.”[2] Creating dissatisfaction with a nation’s history has been a tactic employed by Marxists around the world. The Marxist attack upon America’s “past ways and values” began more than a century prior to Black Lives Matter dismantling or defacement...Read more... Read more... -->
The Influence of Christianity upon the Declaration of Independence
American Founding Fathers, Products
Listen $8 @ Amazon Store At the beginning of the twenty-first century, America struggles to identify the principles that distinguished her rise to world prominence. Since the end of the nineteenth century, Marxism and Darwinism have been the implements of choice employed by those seeking Her overthrow. Both of these worldviews have been evoked by atheists to destroy the religious principles upon which America has been founded. By the middle of the twentieth century, the judicial branch of American government assumed responsibility to minimize—and where possible, eliminate—Christian public...Read more... Read more... -->
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Secretary of Congress (1774-89)