Results for: "American History"
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Watch-night Service: From Ale-house to Revolution
American History, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, Christian Living, December Articles
Listen December 31, 1776 Historic watch-night service at Old St. George Church, Philadelphia For generations of Americans, the memory of candles flickering at the close of watch-night services—as one year waned and another began to wax—is one that evokes reverent appreciation for the spiritual fervor of by-gone days. Though the observance of the watch-night service began to wane at the end of the twentieth century, its origin in both the British Isles and America are significant chapters in the spiritual life of these nations. In America, few realize the place that one watch-night service...Read more... Read more... -->
Francis Lewis
December Articles, Signers of Declaration of Independence
Listen December 31, 1802 Francis Lewis, signer of the Declaration of Independence, passed away Francis Lewis (March 21, 1713 – December 31, 1802) was a signer of the United States Declaration of Independence as a representative of New...Read more... Read more... -->
Arthur Middleton
January Articles, Signers of Declaration of Independence
Listen January 1, 1787 Death of Signer, Arthur Middleton Arthur Middleton (June 26, 1742 – January 1, 1787), of Charleston, South Carolina, was a signer of the United States Declaration of...Read more... Read more... -->
The Wright Brothers—Sons of Bishop Milton Wright
American History, December Articles
Listen December 17, 1903 The Wright Flyer was the first successful heavier-than-air powered aircraft. If Christians truly realized how the Gospel of Jesus Christ has changed the world for good, they would be emboldened to defend their faith against a skeptical, unbelieving world. Most Christians are unaware that their faith was on the vanguard of developments in science and many other fields of study. As may be demonstrated from the irreligious influence of Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet), Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the Philosophes, and many others, secularism and other forms of irreligion...Read more... Read more... -->
George Washington’s Prayer at Valley Forge
American History, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, December Articles
ListenDecember 19, 1777 to June 19, 1778 Valley Forge Encampment Valley Forge National Historical Park is the site of the third winter encampment of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. This encampment extended from December 19, 1777 to June 19, 1778. During this period of time, an inconspicuous, yet important, event occurred that is part of the many strands that compose the Christian tapestry of America's origin as a nation. The subject addressed in this article is discussed at greater length in America's Founding Fathers and the Bible. Christian Heritage...Read more... Read more... -->
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Sherman was the only person to sign all four founding documents