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Slavery—Where is the Moral Voice in Marxism, Darwinism, and Islam?
Darwinism, Islam, Marxism, Slavery
ListenThis post is part 1 of the series:Slavery and the Founding of AmericaFebruary Black History Month On Tuesday, June 15, 2020, Virginia Democratic Senator, Tim Kaine declared from the Senate floor of the United States Capitol:Slavery—Where is the Moral Voice in Marxism, Darwinism, and Islam Tim Kaine The first African Americans sent into the English colonies came to Point Comfort, Virginia, in 1619. They were slaves. They had been captured against their will. But they landed in colonies that didn't have slavery. There were no laws about slavery in the colonies at that time. The United...Read more... Read more... -->
The Long Irreligious War Against America
American Founding Fathers, Marxism, Thomas Jefferson
ListenThe Afghanistan War lasted nineteen years and ten months and has been designated as America's longest war. But the war against the Christian principles that have made America an exceptional nation has been waged since the beginning of the Republic. Tyrants believe human rights are granted by human government, but the sentiment of America's Founding Fathers was aptly affirmed by Thomas Jefferson when he wrote, "And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of...Read more... Read more... -->
Confronting Black Marxism in America
Listen Uncle Tom II is an odyssey depicting the gradual demoralization of America through Marxist infiltration of its institutions. The film explores how this deceptive ideology has torn apart the fabric of society while using black America as its number one tool for its destruction. Confronting Black Marxism From Executive Producer Larry Elder and Director Justin Malone, comes the continuation of their highly acclaimed film, Uncle Tom (2020). Uncle Tom II will take the audience deeper into black America’s often eradicated history of honorable men, entrepreneurship, prosperity, faith, and...Read more... Read more... -->
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Secretary of Congress (1774-89)