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Will You Help Us Get the Word Out?

Greetings and welcome!

Mr. Keith Click

My name is Keith Click. I am one of the members of the Board of Directors here at Christian Heritage Fellowship Inc., and I would like to ask you a question. If you had the opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life in a positive manner, would you? For the majority of us, the answer would be a huge, “YES.” Everyday we have the opportunity through social media to do just that. As of July 2016, it is estimated that there are over 287,000,000 people with access to the Internet. Those numbers are overwhelming when you think about them in terms of people that need to hear and must hear the truth about God’s Love and His work in our nation.

Christian Heritage Fellowship was created and organized to be a vessel through which people all across the country could hear the truth about God’s love and about America’s Christian heritage. Now that you are a part of this crucial ministry, this article will seek to guide you in utilizing social media to help us get the word out.



The first form of social media is that of Facebook that sees an enormous amount of traffic on a daily basis. Here you are encouraged to “Post” whatever you would like to say about what CHF is all about. When you go to your Facebook page, near the top you will find the box in which to update your status or what you would like other Facebook users to know. In the case of CHF, it would be helpful to copy and paste into your status, the link to our website or perhaps the link to one of the many articles found there that you want people to know about. Yes, it is that easy to tell people the wonderful truth concerning America’s Christian heritage and in so doing, make a difference in someone’s life. Encourage your family and friends to share those posts as well.



The second form of social media that will aid you in helping us get the word out is that of Twitter. In this particular mode of media, unlike Facebook, there is a limit of what you can say in your “Tweet.” Because of these limits, many times the link to the CHF website or an article found there will be all you need to say. Even so, Twitter is a wonderful way to tell your followers and those you follow about America’s Christian heritage. All you have to do is open your own Twitter account and click on the little box at the top of the page that says, “What’s happening?” Once there, simply copy and paste your chosen link and say a brief word or two about it. Encourage your family and friends to do the same. Again, it is that easy to help us get the word out.

With so many people on social media today, it is an easy, yet tremendous tool for us to utilize. The forms of social media discussed here are all completely free and through them, we truly could reach countless numbers of people in a positive way as we seek to tell the truth about America’s Christian heritage. Our writers and others work hard to create and maintain a website that is a place where people can go to find vast amounts of information on America’s heritage. I invite you to join us and share it through social media!


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