Results for: "June Articles"


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Matthew Thornton

American History, June Articles, Signers of Declaration of Independence

Listen June 24, 1803 Signer Matthew Thornton passed away Matthew Thornton (1714 – June 24, 1803), was a signer of the United States Declaration of Independence as a representative of New...Read more... Read more... -->

Samuel Chase

June Articles, Signers of Declaration of Independence

Listen June 19, 1811 Samuel Chase, signer of the Declaration of Independence, passed away Samuel Chase (April 17, 1741 – June 19, 1811) was an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court and earlier was a signatory to the United States Declaration of Independence as a representative of Maryland. Early in life, Chase was a "firebrand" states-righter and...Read more... Read more... -->

Richard Henry Lee

American History, Christian History, June Articles, Signers of Declaration of Independence

Listen June 19, 1794 Richard Henry Lee, signer of the Declaration of Independence, passed away Richard Henry Lee (January 20, 1732 – June 19, 1794) was an American statesman from Virginia best known for the motion in the Second Continental Congress calling for the colonies' independence from Great Britain. He was a signatory to the Articles of Confederation and his famous resolution of June 1776 led to the United States Declaration of Independence, which Lee...Read more... Read more... -->

The Christian Origin of Father’s Day

Christian Calendar (Holidays), June Articles, Schedule Post

Listen Father's Day in America Third Sunday in June Historically, one of the first objectives of a conquering nation was to re-write the history of the conquered nation, thereby erasing the values and history of the conquered nation along with its national fathers and its heroes and heroines. Since the early part of the twentieth century, secularists, Marxists, and the irreligious have been attempting to re-write America's history to minimize or completely eliminate public knowledge of the formative influence Christianity has exercised over America's national character.[1] Just as...Read more... Read more... -->

Philip Livingston

American History, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, June Articles, Signers of Declaration of Independence

Listen June 12, 1778 Death of Signer, Philip Livingston Philip Livingston (January 15, 1716 – June 12, 1778) was an American merchant and statesman from New York City. He was a delegate for New York to the Continental Congress from 1775 to 1778, and signed the Declaration of...Read more... Read more... -->

Quote Cloud

"This Congress, therefore, considering the present critical, alarming and calamitous state of these colonies, do earnestly recommend that Thursday, the 20th day of July next, be observed, by the inhabitants of all the English colonies on this continent, as a day of public humiliation, fasting and prayer... "
– Congressional Prayer Proclamation
Journals of Congress, 2:87-88.
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