Results for: "Christian Beliefs"
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God’s Plan of Salvation
Christian Beliefs, Christian Living, Experience, Practice & Life, Salvation & Grace
ListenIn a pluralistic American society, it has become politically incorrect to suggest that any one religion can make any claim to absolute truth. Historic Christianity has made such a claim to absolute truth. Just as a counterfeit twenty-dollar bill bears resemblance to the genuine twenty-dollar bill, so all other world religions and cults bear some resemblance to the genuine faith of the entire human race Christianity! Faithful Christians have not neglected to insist upon the absolute truth that Jesus Christ is the only means by which any individual may be brought into a favorable...Read more... Read more... -->
Sunday School Preserves American Republic
American History, Christian Beliefs, Christian History
Listen December 19-26, 1790 Founding Fathers start first Sunday School society Following the American Revolution, spiritual and moral life in the new nation plummeted. Pastors or lay leaders of local churches often led the Minute Men and were on the frontline of the American Revolution. Given the fact that American Christian leaders were compelled by their biblical convictions to oppose King George III in the Revolution, the Church in America experienced a vacuum in leadership following the war. Because so many Christian leaders had been killed in the Revolution, local churches were often...Read more... Read more... -->
Remembering the Apostle Andrew
ListenThis post is part 12 of the series:The Apostles of Jesus Christ November 30 Martyrdom of Apostle Andrew The Apostle Andrew, the brother of St. Peter, carried the Gospel to many Asiatic nations, beginning his missionary endeavors in the Provinces of Vithynia and Pontus on the southern shores of the Black Sea. It is believed that he subsequently traveled to the City of Byzantium where he established a church. In one of his missionary tours to Achaia (Greece), Andrew visited the city of Patras where his preaching and miracles drew many to Christ, including Maximilla, the wife of the Roman...Read more... Read more... -->
Letter to the Supreme Court by Sgt. Alvin York’s Son
American History, Christian Beliefs, Christian History
Listen Welcome, and thank you for choosing to listen. Christian Heritage Fellowship is a listener supported organization, dedicated to reclaiming America's Christian Heritage and celebrating the life-changing influence of the Gospel around the world. Our organization remains committed to this purpose through the faithful giving of our friends and ministry family. If you can help us financially, we would sincerely appreciate it. A podcast of this article may be downloaded by selecting the download icon on the flyout tab of the listen button. And now, here is another episode from our post...Read more... Read more... -->
National Bible Week—When America Needed God
Bible, December Articles, November Articles
Listen American Thanksgiving Week National Bible Week The reading of the Bible was abruptly interrupted over the NBC radio network in 1941 when world-changing events began to transpire. Seldom in the history of America was Scripture needed to comfort and bring hope as it was needed that day. Yet, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, the significance of the beginning of National Bible Week is almost, for many Americans, a matter of historical amnesia. Like so many, many other moments in American history, Christians were presented with a reason to be proud of their heritage.National...Read more... Read more... -->