Results for: "February"


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Christian Living in February

Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian Living Articles, February, February Articles, February Now

ListenThis post is part 2 of the series:Christian Living SeriesEmboldened secularism and irreligion threatens not only the Christian foundation of America, but more importantly threatens the spiritual life of believers and their churches. By denying the historical facts concerning the positive influence of Christianity, atheism, agnosticism, and various forms of irreligion seek to rob Christianity of its global influence. As a result, these forms of irreligion and other world religions claim for themselves the advances in society around the world made primarily by Christianity. "Christian...Read more... Read more... -->

President’s Day

American History, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, February

Listen Third Monday of February President's Day The Father of America, George Washington, was born on February 22. But in honor of our first President, the third Monday of February has been designated as the day to remember his stature in America's life. In 1880, a federal holiday honoring George Washington was implemented by and Act of Congress for government offices in the District of Columbia and expanded in 1885 to include all federal offices. Originally, Washington's actual birthday, February 22, was celebrated on the day of his birth, but in January 1971, the Uniform Monday...Read more... Read more... -->

Lincoln’s Birthday

American History, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, February

Listen February 12, 1809 Birth of Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865) was the 16th President of the United States, serving from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865. He is remembered most for having successfully led his country through one of the greatest crises in American history—the American Civil War. His efforts led to the preservation of the Union, the abolition of slavery, and promotion of economic and financial modernization of America. Celebrating Our Christian Heritage! We are a user supported non-profit organization.  Your small...Read more... Read more... -->

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"...In times of impending calamity and distress; when the liberties of America are imminently endangered by the secret machinations and open assaults of an insidious and vindictive administration, it becomes the indispensable duty of these hitherto free and happy colonies, with true penitence of heart, and the most reverent devotion, publicly to acknowledge the over ruling providence of God; to confess and deplore our offenses against him; and to supplicate his interposition for averting the threatened danger, and prospering our strenuous efforts in the cause of freedom, virtue, and posterity..."
– Congressional Prayer Proclamation
Journals of Congress, 4:208-209.
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