Results for: "American History"
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Columbus Day
American History, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, Christian Social Influence, Christian Witness, October
Listen October 12, 1492 Columbus' arrival in the Americas Christian explorer Christopher Columbus’ arrival in the Americas on October 12, 1492, is annually remembered on the second Monday of October. After a long voyage at sea, Columbus set foot on land in the Bahamas and subsequently established Spanish rule in Hispaniola. Columbus' Journal of the First Voyage to America clearly demonstrates that the explorer saw his mission as one that was to win souls for Christ. Under Spanish control, however, Hispaniola was greatly exploited; yet, Columbus' original intent was not the exploitation...Read more... Read more... -->
October 11, 1782: Fourteenth Congressional Fasting Proclamation
American History, Congressional Spiritual Proclamations, October Articles, Prayer
ListenThis post is part 15 of the series:When Congress Asked America to Fast, Pray, and Give Thanks to GodOctober 11, 1782 Congress issues thanksgiving proclamation In 1776, America's Continental Congress began to issue two spiritual proclamations a year until near the end of the War of Independence. Since November 1777 when Henry Laurens was President, Congress had issued a fall thanksgiving proclamation calling the states to remember their spiritual "duty" to offer praise for the divine grace shown to the nation. The type of personal sacrifice that many of America's Founding Fathers...Read more... Read more... -->
Carter Braxton
American History, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, October Articles, Signers of Declaration of Independence
Listen October 10, 1797 Death of Signer, Carter Braxton Carter Braxton (September 10, 1736 – October 10, 1797) was a signer of the United States Declaration of Independence, a planter, and a representative of...Read more... Read more... -->
John Hancock
October Articles, Signers of Declaration of Independence
Listen October 8, 1793 Death of Signer, John Hancock John Hancock (January 23, 1737 – October 8, 1793) was a merchant, statesman, and prominent Patriot of the American Revolution and was the son and grandson of Christian...Read more... Read more... -->
Thomas Stone
American History, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, October Articles, Signers of Declaration of Independence
Listen October 5, 1787 Death of Signer, Thomas Stone Thomas Stone (1743 – October 5, 1787) was an American planter who signed the United States Declaration of Independence as a delegate for Maryland. He later worked on the committee that formed the Articles of Confederation in 1777. He acted as President of Congress for a short time in...Read more... Read more... -->