Results for: "November Articles"


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John Witherspoon

American History, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, November Articles, Signers of Declaration of Independence

Listen November 15, 1794 Death of Signer, John Witherspoon John Knox Witherspoon (February 5, 1723 – November 15, 1794) was a Scots Presbyterian minister and a signatory of the United States Declaration of Independence[1] as a representative of New Jersey. As president of the College of New Jersey (1768–94; now Princeton University), he trained many leaders of the early nation and was the only active clergyman and the only college president to sign the...Read more... Read more... -->

American Christian Heritage Week Resources

Historical, November Articles, Products

Listen $0 Free In August of 1992, Democratic Representative from West Virginia, Mr. Nick Joe Rahall, placed a request before his colleagues in the House to set aside Thanksgiving week as a time to celebrate the Christian heritage of America. Tragically, Christians throughout America have failed to capitalize on what Congress did in 1992. Denominational leaders have failed to move the interests of Christ forward even on those very rare occasions when Congress hands them a gift such as this. For more than twenty years, this opportunity has lacked wide-scale support from Christians. It is no...Read more... Read more... -->

Charles Carroll

American History, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, November Articles, Signers of Declaration of Independence

Listen November 14, 1832 Death of Signer, Charles Carroll Charles Carroll (September 19, 1737 – November 14, 1832), known as Charles Carroll of Carrollton or Charles Carroll III to distinguish him from his similarly-named relatives, was a wealthy Maryland planter and an early advocate of independence from Great Britain. He served as a delegate to the Continental Congress and Confederation Congress and later as first United States Senator for Maryland. He was the only Catholic and the longest-lived (and last surviving) signatory of the Declaration of Independence, dying at the age of 95, at...Read more... Read more... -->

Joseph Hewes

November Articles, Signers of Declaration of Independence

Listen November 10, 1779 Death of Signer, Joseph Hewes Joseph Hewes (January 23, 1730 – November 10, 1779) was a native of Princeton, New Jersey, where he was born in 1730. Hewes’s parents were members of the Society of Friends, commonly known as Quakers. He became an apprentice of a merchant and in fact became a very successful merchant. After finishing his apprenticeship he earned himself a good name and a strong reputation, which would serve him well in becoming one of the most famous signers of the Declaration of Independence for North Carolina—which also included William Hooper and John...Read more... Read more... -->

The Mayflower Compact

American History, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, July Articles, November Articles

Listen November 11, 1620 Mayflower Compact was signed The Mayflower Compact was the first document of what would evolve into the republic of the United States. It should never be assumed, however, that the Pilgrim Fathers intended to break with the Old World. Rather, the Mayflower Compact demonstrates commitment to what the Pilgrims had known and believed. This fact has been aptly captured by C. P. Breckinridge in his 1889 oration at Plymouth. He noted that the Mayflower Compact was ". . . not a constitution, nor yet a charter; nor yet in a true sense a social compact," but rather "...the...Read more... Read more... -->

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"Forasmuch as it is the indispensable duty of all men to adore the superintending providence of Almighty God; to acknowledge with gratitude their obligation to him for benefits received, and to implore such farther blessings as they stand in need of...It is therefore recommended to the legislative or executive powers of these United States, to set apart Thursday, the eighteenth day of December next, for solemn thanksgiving and praise; that with one heart and one voice the good people may express the grateful feelings of their hearts, and consecrate themselves to the service of their divine benefactor... "
– Congressional Prayer Proclamation
Journals of Congress, 9:854-855
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