"I believe that there is one only living and true God, existing in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, the same in substance equal in power and glory. That the scriptures of the old and new testaments are a revelation from God, and a complete rule to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him."
– Roger Sherman
Boutell, Life of Roger Sherman, 272
Sherman was the only person to sign all four founding documents
"I do not believe that the Constitution was the offspring of inspiration, but I am as satisfied that it is as much the work of a Divine Providence as any of the miracles recorded in the Old and New Testament."
– Dr. Benjamin Rush
Letters of Benjamin Rush, 1:475

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The Christian Week and Sabbath

The Christian Week and Sabbath

Daniel Whedon was one of the most distinguished Methodist scholars and churchman of nineteenth-century American Methodism. His interest in the subject of the Lord's Day should be no surprise to the reader given the fact that the subject occupied an important place in...